SKF Contact
Sport Kickboxing MMA Martial Arts
Contact Information
Telephone: +1-604-2985425 (kick) 1 (877) 479-5425 (kick)
Canada Head Office Address: 2674 West Broadway, Vancouver B.C.
USA-Los Angeles, Beverly Hills Head Office:
Master Arleo Dordar 1 (877) 479-5425 (kick)
SKF Contact Page
SKF, Sport, Kickboxing, MMA, Martial arts
SKF kickboxing classes and programs are Fun Engaging and effective for all ages and fitness levels, along our cardio kickboxing fitness and Sport Kickboxing belt programs, We offer MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, Full Contact, Semi Contact, Light Contact Continuous point Fighting courses, and Self defense classes for men women and children.
Our Canadian SKF staff will be pleased to provide the answers to any questions you might have about our sport Kickboxing classes, Instructor certification, Different age groups training, SKF representation or franchising in your region and Cities, Products, Management, Tournaments, Title sanctions and etc.
Please fill out the SKF Contact and Inquiries form and we will be pleased to answer your questions about SKF, You can also Visit any SKF licensed schools worldwide to become connected. Our North American SKF associated members can Call 1(877) 479-5425 or visit us at our main location 2674 West Broadway Vancouver Canada for any inquiries.
We offer Martial arts Schools special sport kickboxing programs to become part of their curriculum for their members to enjoy the variety of different discipline. SKF Sport Kickboxing license and open up more opportunities to their members growth in both Sport Kickboxing and SKF Submission (MMA).