Kickboxing Fitness MMA Los Angeles Beverly Hills
North American Head Office 1(877) 479-5425 (KICK)
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Kickboxing Fitness MMA Los Angeles Beverly Hills
Arleo Dordar USA sport kickboxing Federation “SKF” Representative, is a North American mixed martial arts champion and 2nd generation martial artist . He has competed in North America and have trained some of the most technical mixed martial arts champions in North America. Mastery in Over 5 major styles of martial arts including weapons, acrobatics and tricks. Arleo’s technical ability in teaching strives for the fastest growth in performance and mentor-ship. The success members create will both be in leadership and skills for life in and outside of the dojo. His program motivates everyone who desire to get in shape while becoming skillful and reaching there fitness goals. Arleo also holds over 20 TV and Film credits and has worked in over some of the top film stars and martial arts movies, where he can help rising talent learn stunts and acting Arleo has a powerful effect on students making him an extra ordinary instructor and mentor, building prodigies around the world. Arleo has trained over 50 different black belts in advanced levels and police officers in North America. Arleo Dordar is the Vice President of Sport Kickboxing Federation and Kfitness.