Canadian Fitness and Martial Arts Certifications

Kickboxing Coach Certification Vancouver:


Canadian Fitness and Martial Arts Certifications

High Standards for Professionals – At Sport Kickboxing Federation , we take pride in fostering an excellent team of professionally trained and certified Kickboxing instructors who share in our vision of success. These instructors are passionate motivators who lead by example and who continually strive to achieve higher standards.

Effective Teaching Methods – We believe that a broad understanding of the psychological and physiological aspects of instruction is just as essential as its technical components. The ability to teach effectively and gain your students’ respect is a skill that can be developed with proper instruction, effective role-modeling and plenty of focused practice

SKF Affiliate Certified Instructor/Coach or Fitness trainer

If you have been involve in Fitness training, teaching martial arts, coaching fighters or students, running a martial arts school as a manager /instructor you will be surprised about our winning educational management formula regards teaching and running a Gym or any type of martial arts school.

You will need to upgrade your skills or become certified by World known SKF organization. By studying our SKF university educational courses not only you expand your knowledge but also with using the most useful technical management method and communication power, Marketing, CRM ( Customer relation management ) proper Coaching and class management will win your business.


Create your Vision and start setting Goals

Please send the below document to open up an account with SKF and start your professional journey with us.

1- Fill out the Form
2- Include resume
3- Include scanned or copies of your last 10 years martial arts certificates.

Then we will contact you for your official registration and information related to exams and any information needed for you to start.

If you have any question regards Kickboxing Coach Certification Vancouver course and programs or how to become an SKF affiliate do not hesitate to contact us by phone or send us a detail email to identify your needs.

SKF Administration 1 (604) 298-5425  1 (877) 479-5425
Vancouver BC, Canada Head office

Please fill out the below information and learn more about the Kickboxing Coach Certification Vancouver

Upload resume Upload existing certification(s)

Instructors will learn:

•How to maintain a positive attitude

•How to develop strong relationships with students based on trust and respect

•How to prepare the body for martial arts training

•An understanding of physiology and the effects martial arts training has on the body. This helps reduce the risk of injury to students and increases students’ readiness for martial arts training

•To lead by example by demonstrating to students a clear understanding of martial arts disciplines and by showing respect and empathy at all times.

